Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wine Bottle Guest Book

A Wine Bottle Guest Book is a fun and unique alternative to a traditional wedding guest book.  Have your guests sign wine bottles with customized labels at your wedding.  Each wine bottle label has a different anniversary date, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and 20 year and on each of these milestone anniversaries while celebrating with the bottle of wine you can remember those who helped you celebrate your special day.  What a wonderful keepsake for years to come and it won't get tucked away somewhere that you will never see like a traditional guest book!  Kit comes with 4 personalized labels that come in several designs and you pick the colors and fonts to match your wedding.  Kit also comes with a matching instruction card in a black frame, 2 metallic markers PLUS 2 etched wine glasses to use while you are celebrating your anniversary.  For more details or to see the available designs visit

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